Thursday, April 24, 2008

Effective Email Marketing - Tips to succeed in E-mail Marketing Campaigns

Few tricks in Email Marketing can help to boost your E-mail Marketing campaigns. Pay attention to the following 4 elements (in no particular order) in your E-Blast can increase your Click Through Rate (CTR) and effectiveness of your Email Marketing campaigns.

1) From Address (Email Sender Address)
2) E-mail Subject Line
3) Content
4) Day and time of delivery

1) From Address (E-mail Sender Address)

- If you see an email from an unknown or spam like sender (weird characters), of course you are not going to open it but just to trash it. However, if it is from an well known organization, an organization known to the recipient or a real person name, recipients are more likely to open the E-mail.

2) Email Subject Line

- The Email Subject Line has to be relevant to the recipient and answer the needs (e.g. attractive offer for a consumer or "Tips to rank high in Google" for an internet marketer) or fix an issue for the recipient (e.g. Help you lose 10 lbs in 10 days). It should clearly describe the topic of the email. Sometimes, mention an authoritative body in the Subject Line will help the Click Through Rate. For example, recipient in US pharmaceutical sector will be alert to read something with subject line “FDA approves…”; a mailing solution company in UK will alert mail solution user by addressing it to “Important news for Royal Mail users”.

3) Content

- Content has to be short and to the point. It has to be easy to read as people usually only scan through their email to spot if there is anything that interested them. Do not disclose all the important information but just enough to attract people to click the link and go to your website to read more.

Moreover, content has to be relevant to the recipient. For example, you won’t send information about dogs to cat owners.

Last but not least, use some relevant graphics to make the content more interesting. When I said relevant graphics, don’t put picture about dogs when you are talking about cats. Since you don’t have a lot of space to put a lot of pictures, only put the one which are eye catching, relevant and interesting, the ones that can grab attention and raise recipient's interest in the articles.

4) Day and time of delivery – Best day and time to send your Email Marketing Campaigns

Best Day to send:

Tuesday to Thursday mornings are usually the best days to send your email campaigns. You will usually get the optimum response from an email campaign sent on Wednesday. Monday and Friday would usually get the worst response rate. Imagine on Mondays, everyone has a whole bunch of email sitting in their inbox waiting for them to check. People will usually skip yours, which are the non work related ones. Same for Fridays, people just want to finish the urgent work need to be done that day and wait for the weekend to come. They won’t bother checking your marketing email if it is sent on Fridays. When accumulating with the email sent on Saturday and Sunday, your Friday email will be at the bottom of the unopen pile and will most likely to be skipped when you are back to work on Monday. Don’t send your email campaign during a business holiday or weekend. Business people are not there to read them and accumulated Ad mail will only be deleted.

Best time to send:

If you have an international list, segment it by time zone will help you increase your response rate by being able to deliver your email campaign at the best time.

Generally 10:00-10:30 a.m. and 1:00-1:30 p.m. are the best time to send. At 10, people have usually checked all email or cleaned up all “spam” accumulated during the previous night. They have already warmed up a bit for the day (they might want a small break at that time). At 1, they just finished lunch and they are more relaxed before getting back into their work.

If the above is not enough for you, there is also a very systematic formula available online. Click here to go to the Email Labs website for more details.

Time of the year:

For seasonal goods, this is very important. You won’t promote the wrong thing at the wrong time. Moreover, don’t send a campaign right before and right after a holiday. Or your email will most likely be skipped.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

Marney Lewis said...

Again June, I really enjoy how you make it easy for the reader to understand what youre trying to get across. Great Job and again, Amazing tips. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Thanks for providing this useful information. The post seems to be very useful one. Good tips has been given. It is very useful for the readers.

Gentle Rain Affluent Marketing - financial services marketing, marketing for financial services, affluent marketing

Sagar said...

Email marketing technique is so versatile and quite surprising it is very easy to organize.

Online Advertising Company said...

Thanks is a good post about Email explained in detail about email marketing . and this is so important.

Thanks to u .. for sharing this tips

Unknown said...

thats great i think if everyone followed these tips they can create a very sucsessful e-mail campaign

Email Etiquette said...

One of the most prevalent means of modern communication is electronic mail (e-mail); the ability to send messages from one person to recipients via the computer. This media has been widely abused and misused with the largest blame going to lack of information of things to avoid when using email. There are things that people do while using this facility that drive the bulk of the recipients up the wall. There are hundreds of does and don'ts hence in this article I single out a few crucial issues pertaining to email usage. I have used emails for over a decade. This is one of the best ways to communicate but like any other facility, it is subject to abuse and mis-use. Abuse has always been seen to come out situations where purpose of the facility is unclear. Email is with us for some time to come hence there is need for users to practice etiquette so that everyone using it enjoys doing so.